Your dream world is waiting for you.

Come in, you got this!

Use your own CORE Energy

(Gebruik je eigen KERN-energie)

First learn to do Magic with the Blue Sky Index.

It's so easy to..>

Phase 1: Breda as Magicport of the World

Plan: Q2-24 /Q1-25

Video - BSI, Amazing Magic through your phone.

Letter to University of Sussex - Serendipity Research

Letter to Angela Merkel - Quantum Chemist

Letter to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

BSI as an "Add On" to current jusitice

Letter to the King

of the Netherlands Willem Alexander of Orange Nassau

BSI met  Multiversum en Behoorlijk Bestuur aanvulling

Breda = The Orange City

This letter  was sent to the following organizations on 19-6-2024 by registered letter:

Phase 2: Expansion to Noord-Brabant, Zeeland, Limburg

Plan: Q3-24 / Q2-25

Phase 3: Expansion to Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Ukraine,...

Plan: 2025-2026

Breda as First Quantum City of the World

1 of the 6 hubs of Quantum Delta and it's influence on other ports

Efficient construction of nuclear reactors

All Breda inhabitants think Quantum

Start up of 12+ closed nuclear reactor


Phase 4: Expansion Breda as Magicport to  the World

Plan: 2025 /2027

Services of Magicport Breda

Below our services. You only pay when you see the results. See for further info:

Your serendipity is our priority

The world is now focussed on luck. It's much better to focus on serendipity which is much more then luck and it's now available as a method called the Blue Sky Index.

Luck is random. The BSI with serendipity is a method. Be a Wizzzard !

Our Wizzzards

Our Wizzards are available to help you with your transformation to your Dream World.

How does it work

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3-Make a Deal

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Neem contact op

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Zakelijke titel, Straatnaam en huisnummer, Postcode Stad, Land


+31 12 345678908
